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Log in on the Sage HR app

How to log into the SageHR app once you have downloaded it onto your phone.

Oliver Cook avatar
Written by Oliver Cook
Updated over 4 months ago

Once you have downloaded the Sage HR app, and have set up your access from your welcome email, you're able to log into the app.

We explain how to log in the steps below.

📎NOTE: You can't log in to the Sage HR app if:

  • You haven't set up your access from your welcome email

  • Your employer doesn't use Sage HR

If your employer uses Sage Employee Online Services, you must log in via

Step 1 - Enter your email address

Enter the email address you use to log in to your company on Sage HR.

Screenshot of the opening login page on the Sage HR mobile app. It has a text box to enter an email address, and a Next button.

This must be the correct email address, otherwise later when you enter your password it won't be recognised.

Once you enter your email address you're either taken straight to enter your password, or to enter a workspace if your email address is registered to more than one Sage HR company.

Step 2 - Enter workspace

If your email address is registered to more than one Sage HR company, you must enter the workspace of the company you want to log into.

Screenshot of the login screen showing an email and Workspace field.

If the workspace is correct tap Next.

If you need to log in to a different company already populated in the workspace field, delete the workspace and enter the correct one for your other company.

📌TIP: Not sure what your company's workspace is? It's easy to check.

Step 3 - Enter your password

Enter your password then tap Log in.

📎NOTE: Depending on the enabled authentication method your employer uses, you can authenticate using Single Sign-On.

When you log in you see the Sage HR app dashboard.

Screenshot of the dashboard in the Sage HR mobile app. It shows the name of teh company at the top, a clock in widget, and a list of tasks.

For more guides on how to use the Sage app, visit our Mobile app collection in our knowledgebase.

Can't log in via the app?

If you have trouble logging in to the Sage HR app, there are some checks you must make.

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