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Issues viewing payslips or P60s

What to do if you're having issues viewing your payslips (wage slips) or P60s when successfully logged into Sage HR.

Oliver Cook avatar
Written by Oliver Cook
Updated over 4 months ago

When your employer uploads your payslips, they're available to view in Sage HR.

When logged in, if you can't see your payslips or P60s listed this is normally because either your employer hasn't added you in their payroll software yet, or they have not uploaded those payslips or P60s yet.

You can view them on a computer or tablet via the website version, or you can view them on the Sage HR app when on your phone.

Payslips in the web portal

📎NOTE: If you are using your phone, you won't be able to view your payslips properly in Sage HR via a mobile internet browser. This can cause you to only see part of your payslip. To view payslips on your phone please download and use the Sage HR app.

Payslips in Sage HR app

If you've been able to access payslips/P60s previously or you've been told they have been uploaded, please run through the steps below.

Can you log in to Sage HR?

If you can't view your payslips because you can't log in, you must use our other guide to resolve your login issue, Unable to log in.

If you can log in but can't view your payslips/P60s, please move on to the next section.

Are you using your phone?

If you're using your phone please make sure you're using the Sage HR app, not your mobile internet browser

If you use your mobile internet browser, such as Safari on an iPhone or Chrome on an Android, your view of payslips looks like this, and you may not be able to scroll across to see all your payslip information when you open them for more details.

When you download and log in to the Sage HR app, your view of payslips should look like this instead.

Has your employer confirmed payslips have been uploaded?

Your payslips will only be available to view if the person who processes your payroll has uploaded them, and they haven't been deleted.

If you're unsure whether they've been uploaded yet, please contact your payroll department directly to find out. they can check whether they can see them too.

If you have confirmed that this has been done for you, please move on to the next section.

Access Sage HR Online Services a different way

See whether your payslips/P60s show when accessing Sage HR another way:

  • Try a different internet browser

  • Try a different device

📎NOTE: If you are using your phone, please download and use the Sage HR app to view and download your payslips. Do not use your mobile internet browser.

If you still can't view your payslips, move on to the next section.

Clear cookies and cache

It may be necessary to clear the cache and cookies on your computer to resolve the issue.

If you still can't view payslips after doing this, move on to the next section.

Contact your employer

Your payslips/P60s are managed by your employer in their Sage payroll software.

If you have tried the steps above and you still can't view your payslips, or you can't find the payslips you're looking for, you must get in touch with your employer.

They can look into this for you, Only they can contact Sage technical support if required.

Queries this guide answers

  • Can't see payslips

  • Can't access my payslips

  • Can't view payslips

  • Where are my payslips?

  • How can I see my payslips?

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