Web version
Core HR - Custom working patterns - Employee’s allowance is recalculated when custom working patterns are added to their regular working patterns. Any existing time off is also recalculated based on the custom working pattern(s)
Core HR - Training - A redesign of the Training Events interface on the Training section of an employee's profile.
Leave Management - A new report has been created to highlight where employees have logged certain types of leave, repeatedly, after a weekend or a public holiday, or repeated instances in an 8-week period
Leave Management - When a custom working pattern is added to an existing working pattern or is edited and deleted, the system pro-rata's the employees’ time off allowance
Expenses - "Total excluding VAT" label now says "Amount"
Performance - UI improvements to Goals and Key Results
Performance - Comments on Pulse Surveys are now filtered according to the batch selected on the filter at the top of the report page.
Mobile app
Core HR - Documents - You can view documents on the mobile app
Expenses - Mobile app now mirrors web behaviour when Show VAT field for each expense claim is selected in settings