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Custom working patterns

Create working pattern for periods where hours will temporarily differ to the default working pattern for a short period of time.

Oliver Cook avatar
Written by Oliver Cook
Updated over 2 months ago

When you create a working pattern, if there is a period when employees will be working hours that differ from their usual pattern, you can create a custom pattern that applies to certain date ranges.

⚠️CAUTION: We advise only to use custom working patterns for short-term periods, not as a long-term solution for alternating working patterns.

EXAMPLE: Your working pattern is 9am-5pm, Monday - Friday however you have a week period in December where the hours are only 9am - 2pm, Monday to Friday.

You could create a custom pattern for:

  • Week 51: Monday 19 - Sunday 25 December


  • Week 52: Monday 26 December - Sunday 1 January.

For these two weeks, a custom pattern will be used rather than the default working pattern.

We explain how to create a custom working pattern in the steps below.

  1. On the settings menu click Employee data.

  2. Click Employment statuses & Working patterns, then click Working patterns.

  3. Scroll down to Working patterns.

  4. On a working pattern, click Actions, then click Manage custom working patterns.

  5. Click Add new.

  6. You can select a week range, or a specific date range.

    You add multiple different ranges.

  7. Once you're done, scroll down and click Save.

  8. You can then see the added custom pattern listed.

    These custom patterns can be edited, duplicated, or deleted.

📎NOTE: If a holiday is requested during the custom working pattern period, and a time off policy is based on working patterns, the remaining balance will be calculated based on that working pattern.

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