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Sage HR Newsletter - July 2022
Sage HR Newsletter - July 2022

Useful tips and advice when using Sage HR.

Oliver Cook avatar
Written by Oliver Cook
Updated over a week ago

The summer holidays have begun. Here are some helpful guides to help with common tasks and queries during the summer, such as onboarding new employees, processing time off requests, and restrictions you can make to time off requests.

We've also highlighted how you can configure how long users can remain logged in to Sage HR before they're logged out due to no activity.

Onboarding employees

At this time of year, many companies hire staff over the summer, resulting in onboarding many new employees. To help you with onboarding, use our useful guide for an overview of the steps you need to onboard an employee in Sage HR.

Requesting days off

The summer holidays will likely have many employees requesting days off. Employees often book their time off months in advance, but spontaneous requests are common during the summer months. Whether this is due to needing a day off to look after their children during school holidays, or to book off a Friday to have a long weekend when good weather has been forecast.

Just remember, it's simple for you to book time off for an employee, as well as for the employee to book time off themselves.

📌TIP: Why not post an Announcement to remind employees how they can submit their time off requests in Sage HR? - Read more >

Configure time off requests to have a notice period

If you expect to have a lot of time off requests during the summer, you may need time to plan for absences, for example, you need to arrange cover for shifts etc.

With this in mind, you may want employees. for example, to only be able to submit time off requests with more than a week's notice. So if someone wants to request Monday 15 August to Sunday 21 August, you can set it so that they can only submit requests on and before 7 August.

This is just one of many settings you can apply to restrict time off requests.

Control when users are automatically signed out

Most customers are unaware that they can configure the length of time before their company's users are automatically logged out after inactivity. For example, you can set it so that users are logged out automatically if they've been inactive for two hours.

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