Set up a replacement person

How to set up being able to choose a replacement person when someone makes a time off request.

Oliver Cook avatar
Written by Oliver Cook
Updated over a week ago

You can set up a time off policy so that when someone requests time off, they can select someone who will be covering their role or workload whilst they're away. This could be just general tasks, or even specific Sage HR tasks such as approving time off and timesheet requests in their absence.

Let's run through how to set this up.

  1. Click your name on the top right, then click Settings.

  2. On the settings menu click Time off, then click Policies.

  3. Click Settings on the time off policy you want to amend.

    If the policy doesn't exist yet, click Add new policy.

  4. Scroll down then click the arrow next to Workflow to expand that section.

  5. Select Allow to add replacement person.

    More options appear.

  6. If required, you can make it mandatory to select a replacement person. Select Make it mandatory.

    Once enabled employees can't make a time off request without selecting who will replace them.

  7. If required, you can set it up so that only someone from the same team as the employee can be selected as their replacement person.

  8. Select what you want to happen while the employee using this time off policy is away.

    • Time off and timesheets requests go to the person who is away - This option means the replacement person doesn't receive any of the out of office employee's time off and timesheet requests if they're an approver.

    • Replacement person receives time off and timesheet requests - This option means whoever is selected as the replacement person receives employee's time off and timesheet requests if they're an approver.

    • Specify someone else who will receive time off and timesheets requests - This option means you can select a replacement person, but you also select someone else to specifically approve time off and timesheet requests if the out-of-office employee is an approver. This is useful if you don't want the replacement person to be the one to approve time off and timesheets.

      Below is what you see on a time off request with this option selected.

  9. When you're done, click Save.

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