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Manage shifts

How to create, edit, move and copy shifts for employees.

Oliver Cook avatar
Written by Oliver Cook
Updated this week

It's easy to create and edit shifts for employees as long as you have administrator, scheduling administrator, or schedule group manager access.

This is all done from within Schedule. To get to the shift schedule, on the main menu, click Schedule.

Add a shift

How to create and assign a shift to an employee.

Edit a shift

How to make changes to an employee's existing shift.

Publish shifts

How to publish shifts so they appear for employees to see on the schedule.

Delete a shift

How to remove a shift from the schedule.

Move a shift

If you need to move a shift to a different day, or to a different employee, you can use your mouse to drag the shift to the slot you want to move it to.

Copy a singular shift

You can copy a shift to a different day, or to a different employee.

Copy schedule

To help save you time, rather than adding a shift for each day for the following weeks you can simply copy a week's schedule.

Clear schedule

If you need to clear a schedule, rather than manually deleting each shift one by one, you can use the clear schedule tool.

Download schedule

You can download a schedule to Excel.

View workload

You can view a quick summary of the workload of your scheduled shifts and scheduled hours for a selected period.

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