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External people

How to add, edit or delete external people in Sage HR.

Oliver Cook avatar
Written by Oliver Cook
Updated over a week ago

External people are people outside your organisation who can also participate in performance reviews. These external people you can then select when you send out reviews.

📎NOTE: This is only available with the Performance module.

You manage external people within your general settings for Performance.

  1. As an admin user, click your name in the top right, then click Settings.

  2. On the settings menu click Performance, then click General settings.

Add external people

  1. Under External people, click Add person.

  2. Enter an email address.

  3. Enter a full name.

  4. If required, enter a description.

  5. Click Save.

Edit external people

To edit an external person click the pencil icon. Make your changes then click Save.

Delete external people

To delete an external person click the rubbish icon next to them. Click OK to confirm you want to delete them.

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