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Pulse survey settings

How to configure general settings for Pulse surveys.

Oliver Cook avatar
Written by Oliver Cook
Updated over a week ago

Before you create a pulse survey, it is worth checking your settings.

  1. Click your name in the top right, then click Settings.

  2. On the settings menu click Performance, then click Pulse surveys.

Here you can control whether a direct manager to view results of the survey. You can also customise the default template of the email sent to whoever you send the pulse survey to.

Direct managers access to their employees' results

If required, you can select to allow direct managers to view the results of surveys answered by employees below them in the org chart. Remember to click Save.

📎NOTE: Surveys will remain anonymous. Direct managers will only see the results of their direct subordinates.

Pulse survey mail templates

This controls the default email template used when you send a pulse survey.

  1. Under Mail templates, click Edit assignment message.

  2. make your changes, then click Save.

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