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Enable timesheets to be pre-filled

You can have timesheets automatically be pre-filled based on a working pattern or shift schedule.

Oliver Cook avatar
Written by Oliver Cook
Updated over a year ago

To save you or your employees time when entering timesheet hours you can enable timesheets to already be pre-filled, meaning it isn't required to have manually enter the times and hours worked.

You can have timesheets be pre-filled based on working patterns, or if you use the Shift Scheduling module, pre-fill based on an employee's shift schedule.

To enable this option follow these steps as administrator or timesheet administrator:

  1. Click on your name in the top right, then click Settings.

  2. On the settings menu click Timesheets, then click General.

  3. Scroll down to Timesheet pre-filling.

  4. You have three options for pre-filling your timesheets

  5. Once selected, scroll to the bottom and click Save.

If you have selected to have timesheets pre-fill, if an employee has ended up working different hours to what is pre-filled, for example if they were late, or worked an extra hour overtime, an admin or employee can simply amend the times before submitting their timesheets.

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