When you have a job position published on a career page, so potential applicants can apply for the position, they are asked to agree to your terms and conditions and privacy policy.
For there to be something to click on so they can read what these are, you need to enter these under Legal text in your career pages settings.
Click your name in the top right, then click Settings.
On the settings menu click Recruitment, then click Career pages.
Click on the pencil icon of the recruitment group you want to add the legal text for.
Click on the Legal text.
Enter your Terms & Conditions and Privacy policy.
📌TIP: You can format the text, such as making the text bold, adding headers, numbered lists, bullet points, changing colour etc.
Click Save.
Now when you go to the career page for a position under that recruitment group, TERMS & CONDITIONS and PRIVACY POLICY are clickable links that open in a new tab.