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Automated reports for time off

How to set up reports that will be sent automatically based on defined rules.

Oliver Cook avatar
Written by Oliver Cook
Updated over a week ago

You can use automated time off reports to send information to a specific person about employee's time off for the current or previous month. This could be for everyone or about a specific employee.

  1. Click on your name on the top right, then click Settings.

  2. On the settings menu, click Time off, then click Automated reports.

  3. Click Add new.

  4. Enter a title for the report.

  5. Select what period you want the report to cover and when it will be sent.

  6. Select which employees will be reported on.

  7. Select which time off policies will be reported on

  8. Enter the email address you want the report to be sent to.

  9. Select whether you want the report to show time off in hours or days.

  10. Choose what status of time off you want to be reported on, e.g. Approved time off.

  11. Enter an email subject and body of text. This is what will show in the email sent with the time off report, which will be attachment.

  12. Once done, click Create.

The new automated report is now listed.

📌TIP: To edit a method click on the pencil icon next to it. To delete a method click on the rubbish bin icon next to it.

Preview an automated report

If you want to see what the emailed automated report will look like, you can preview it by sending it to yourself.

  1. Click Preview.

  2. Enter the email address you want to send the test to.

  3. Click Send.

Below is an example of what an emailed time off report looks like. The report is set as an attachment.

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