Certain actions performed in Sage HR can trigger an email to be sent from Sage HR to another employee. Whether this is a notification about a task, a new document to sign, a published announcement, or a published payslip (Sage HR Online Services only).
If someone isn't receiving any email notifications, make the following checks.
Check employee has email notifications turned on
If the notifications option isn't selected within Personal settings of an employee's profile, they won't receive any emails.
Go to the employee's profile.
When on the Employee tab, scroll down to the bottom and click Personal settings.
Make sure the option Send notifications by email is selected.
Click Save.
Check to see whether the employee now receives email notifications.
If this setting was already selected, or the employee still isn't receiving notifications by email, move on to the next section.
Check whether the employee has logged in before
User won't get email notifications until they have logged in at least once. Get the user to log in first, then test their email notifications.
Check junk or spam folder
Ask your employee to check their junk or spam folder and check their email security doesn't block the email address [email protected].
Check Sage notification email addresses aren't blocked
These Sage email addresses are used for notifications for various services that Sage HR uses:
Check with your local IT or whoever administers your email service for the affected employee's email address that these email addresses are whitelisted. It could be that they're being blocked.
Once they have whitelisted these addresses, if the employee still isn't receiving notifications and admin user should contact us via the in-product chat so Sage HR support can check for and clear any bounces that may be against the employee's email.