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Goals & OKRs

An overview of the Goals and OKRs feature in Sage HR's Performance module

Julianna Markova avatar
Written by Julianna Markova
Updated over 2 months ago

The Goals functionality in Sage HR is designed to fully support Objective and Key result (OKR) frameworks. This is why Goals can be renamed to OKRs when the module is first set up in the Goals settings.

After the settings are adjusted, head over to Goals / OKRs, tab in the side-bar menu. This is where you can add new goals or view, update and keep track of already existing individual, team and company-wide goals in the organisation.

Individual goals

These goals are found under My employee goals and Personal goals tabs. They are goals assigned to specific employees. Individual goals can also be added from within employee profiles.

Team goals

These goals can be added by team managers, and only for their team.

The team manager is also responsible for updating the progress of these goals. However, when creating or editing a goal, managers can add collaborators to help with updating the progress of the key results later on.

Company goals

These goals can only be created and edited only by administrator-level users.

Managers and employees can only view these company goals and leave comments. In the Goals/OKRs tab, employees do not see the Company goals section until there is at least one company goal created.

When creating or editing a company goal, it is possible to add owners and collaborators either for the whole goal (same as for Team goals) or only specific key result within that goal.

You will see a pencil icon when hovering over a specific key result, then click Advanced, then click Add owner or collaborator.

When adding key results, you can also adjust the weight of each key result by clicking on the weights icon, freeze specific key results, add comments and rearrange their order.

Goal Chart

As well as categorise goals by whom they are assigned to, you can use the Goal Chart to visually see and keep track of goal completion. You only have to link goals when creating or editing them. As long as the linked goals fall in the same quarter, the chart will be built out automatically:

Quarterly Progress

This is another interactive way of representing goals in a user-friendly way:

At the end of the quarter, goals need to be reviewed and marked as completed:

📎NOTE: The colours of the goals are set as follows: 0-70 for red, 70-99 yellow and 99-100 green.

All Goal and OKR history, including comments and activity log is saved.

Users with Administrator access can follow Goal and OKR statistics from Reports > Performance > Goals.

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