After you set up all your competencies, you can link these to your employees.
Link to a team
On the main menu click Competencies.
Click the ✏️Competencies button alongside a team.
📎NOTE: Teams and positions need to be already added to the system before adding competencies.
Select which competencies you want linked with that team, then click Save.
This automatically updates the employee data for employees part of the teams that you have added competencies to.
Link to an individual employee
You can add competencies on individual employee level as well.
Click on an employee's profile.
On the profile menu click Competencies.
Click General or Professional.
Click Add competency.
📌TIP: After competencies are linked with employees, you can use them to easily collect feedback prior to your 1-to-1's. To do that, schedule a new 1-to-1 ensure you select Performance review (collect feedback).
This means that in the next two steps of a review you can select which competencies will be reviewed and by whom.
The results of this review are added to your 1-to-1 meeting agenda and available to export to PDF.