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Issue Record of Employment forms - Sage Business Cloud Payroll (Canada)
Issue Record of Employment forms - Sage Business Cloud Payroll (Canada)
Julianna Markova avatar
Written by Julianna Markova
Updated over 10 months ago

A record of employment (ROE) provides information on a person's employment history. It's an important document employees use to apply for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits.

Your responsibilities

When workers leave your employment or have interruptions in earnings, you must fill out an ROE on their behalf. Read about ROE forms.

Create ROE forms

To create an ROE form:

  1. From Submissions, select Record of Employment Files, then New ROE.

  2. Choose which employees you want to include. You can search an employee's name to find them.

  3. Enter your payroll program account number, the dates and reason for the ROE.

  4. Generate your ROE form.

You will be returned to the Record of employment files window.

New ROE forms may show a status of Pending while Sage Payroll is generating them.

You can stay on this screen or come back to check on it later.

When the forms are ready, the screen will automatically refresh and display the message:

"ROE Forms generated successfully.

Your ROE forms are now ready to download."

The status will also change to Generated.

Submit ROE XML file to ROE Web

To submit your ROE file:

  1. When your ROE XML file has generated, download it.

  2. Go to ROE Web, sign in and upload your file.

The deadline for issuing an electronic ROE is based on the pay period type and the day on which the interruption of earnings occurred. Read about deadlines for issuing ROEs.

Keep adequate records

The Government of Canada requires you to keep adequate records whether you issue ROEs electronically or on paper.

Keep all payroll records for six years after the year they relate to. For example, if you issue an ROE in October 2021, and your taxation year end is December 2021, you must keep a record of it until December 2027. You can keep records in either electronic or paper format.

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