The time off status report is a useful report to get an overview of your employees' time off balance.
What information shows on the report?
You will be able to see the following information:
Allowance - Given by the policy or the individual allowance
Carry over from previous period - The unused time off from the previous period
Manual transaction - Any allowance given by the Change balance feature on an employee's time off summary profile
Total accrued in period - The total credit received over a period
Allowance + allowance based on years of service + allowance based on number of children + manual transactions + carried over allowance.
This field can vary depending employee's start date, probation period or any other policy configuration.
Used - The amount of time off used within a period
Available - The total time off available to be taken
Total accrued in period - Used
Report filters
You can either run this report:
By time off policy, then filter by employees
By employee, then filter by time off policies
You can exclude future approved time off requests from this report.
📎NOTE: If you run the report by policy, you can run the report for this holiday period and previous holiday periods. Only policies with a fixed reset date will appear when you view historical periods.
The Time off status report won't capture a snapshot of the figures for the previous year if:
The company is currently in a trial period
The company’s status is expired
Policies are set up to reset according to the employee start date (custom reset date)
Policies are set up to not reset, for example, event-based policies
If you run the report by employee, you can only run the report for the current holiday period.
Run report
Click Reports.
Click Time off status, then click Time off status.
Choose whether you want to view time off balances for a time off policy or an employee.
If you select A time off policy select the time off policies you want to view. The period will default to the current period, but you can select a historical one. You can then filter employees by team and location.
If you select An employee, choose the employee you want to view, then which of their policies do you want to view.
If required, click the toggle next Exclude future time off requests from this report.
Click Run report.
Export report
After you run the report, click Download excel to export this report to Excel.